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✐ 世界顶级医院排名50强名单

发布时间:2024-09-09 23:54




1. Mayo Clinic (美国)

2. The Lancet (英国)

3. Massachusetts General Hospital (美国)

4. New York-Presbyterian/Weill Medical Center (美国)

5. Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Center (美国)

6. Stanford University (美国)

7. The Johns Hopkins University Hospitals (美国)

8. The Cleveland Clinic (美国)

9. Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (美国)

10. University of Tokyo (日本)

11. Harvard Medical School (美国)

12. Karolinska Institutet (瑞典)

13. University College London (英国)

14. University of Toronto (加拿大)

15. Beijing National Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (中国)

16. St George's Hospital (英国)

17. University Hospital Zurich (瑞士)

18. University of California, Los Angeles (美国)

19. University of Pennsylvania (美国)

20. Charing Cross Hospital (英国)

21. University of Sydney (澳大利亚)

22. The Medical University of Vienna (奥地利)

23. The Ottawa Hospital (加拿大)

24. The Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne (澳大利亚)

25. The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research (美国)

26. The University of Edinburgh (英国)

27. The University of Hong Kong (香港)

28. The Swinburne University of Technology (澳大利亚)

29. Tri-State Orthopaedic Institute in Chicago (美国)

30. The University of Auckland (新西兰)

31. The University of British Columbia (加拿大)

32. The University of Washington (美国)

33. The University of Tokyo Medical Center (日本)

34. The University of Western Australia (澳大利亚)

35. The Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital in Hangzhou (中国)

36. The Royal Prince of Wales Hospital in Brisbane (澳大利亚)

37. The University Hospital Hamburg-Eberland in Germany

38. The University of Helsinki in Finland

39. The University of Montreal in Canada

40. The University of New South Wales in Australia

41. The Medical University of South Carolina in the United States

42. The University of Surrey in the United Kingdom

43. The University of Otago in New Zealand

44. The University of Copenhagen in Denmark

45. The University of Osaka in Japan

46. The University of Michigan in the United States

47. The University of Southampton in the United Kingdom

48. The University of Minnesota in the United States

49. The University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom

50. The University of California, San Diego in the United States





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